Outing Club Trip Cancellation Email


Outing Club Trip Cancellation Email


This email was sent to all Outing Club spring break trip participants and leaders to inform them that due to COVID-19 we decided to cancel the three planned Outing Club spring break trips. These trips were supposed to go to Arkansas, Tennessee, and Michigan, but with the rapidly changing nature of coronavirus, leadership decided to cancel these trips on the 12 of March. Just four days later Macalester announced it would not reopen campus after spring break. If these students had been in the woods they would not have learned about these developments until March 20 at the earliest. I was the coordinator of long trips for Outing Club this year and wrote this email with the assistance of Logan Schrader and Laurie Adamson in the OSLE office. Also contained in this email are links to the Residential Life Spring Break form and the Macalester COVID-19 website.


Lily Denehy, 2022






Recreation, Health and Wellness, Events


Subject: Important: Outing Club Spring Break Trip Update

Text: Hi all,

I'm writing to you with an update regarding the three spring break trips we have planned. Given the college's recommendations on reconsidering domestic travel and practicing social distancing we have decided it is in the best interest and safety of us as students to cancel the spring break trips.

We understand that this may feel last minute but given the rapidly changing status of COVID-19, we would not want to put any students in danger of getting back to campus or not being able to access healthcare immediately. If you live on campus and intend to stay for break please fill out the Residential Life survey again: Macalester Residential Student Spring Break Plans.

For all official college updates regarding COVID-19 please see the Health and Wellness website: COVID-19 website.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility in this unprecedented situation. We are making the decision that we believe is in the best interest of the health and safety of our participants and leaders.

Be well,
Outing Club


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ldenehy, “Outing Club Trip Cancellation Email,” Macalester: Place and Community in a COVID Landscape, accessed May 16, 2024, https://dwlibrary.macalester.edu/spring2020/items/show/52.
