Update from Outing Club regarding move to online semester


Update from Outing Club regarding move to online semester


An email to the Macalester Outing Club 2019-2020 email list. I wrote this email after the announcement the Macalester would not reopen after spring break, though it was sent from the Macalester Outing Club email address. The petition contained in the email is not my property, so I did not include it here.


Lily Denehy, 2022






Recreation, Education


Hi all,

Unfortunately our year is closing as the school shuts down. I wanted to reach out with a few things.
1. We are saying goodbye to Jason Kohn, one of our wonderful core members. Jason has worked incredibly hard these past four years to ensure we have the money to do all the rad things we do and get cool gear! Thank you so much for all your work Jason! Good luck!!
2. Gear! Those of you who currently have our gear, please keep it. We are not opening the gear room for the next few weeks (too much potential for COVID-19 stuff). If you have to leave campus just leave it in storage/your room. Those of you who live off campus and are staying — depending on how things shake out, I will open the gear room later in April or May. You can return your stuff then.
3. There is a petition urging Mac to support the urgent needs of students, faculty, and staff financially and resource-wise during this uncertain time. Prof. Althea Sircar wrote it, and it currently has almost 800 signatures from students, staff, faculty, and alums. I'm linking it here. Please consider signing it because we need to support everyone in our community during this time. Urgent Student/Staff Needs during Covid-19—Actions Requested from Macalester College. If you can please share it with your friends and Mac connections.

Lily Denehy


Jason Kohn, class of 2020 and Professor Althea Sircar are mentioned


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ldenehy, “Update from Outing Club regarding move to online semester,” Macalester: Place and Community in a COVID Landscape, accessed May 16, 2024, https://dwlibrary.macalester.edu/spring2020/items/show/50.
