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Alexandra_2 min.mp4
The April 23rd entry for Theater & Dance Department 2 minute video exchange.


The April 23rd entry for the THDA 2-minute project.

4-6-20 tweet.jpg
Tweet written by a Macalester student reading: "guess who has given up and is drinking a mug of wine in zoom night class"

Lester Project Tweet.jpg
Tweet from Lester, Macalester's unofficial student-operated mascot and "Professor of Puppet Studies" reading: "HEY REMEMBER THAT PROJECT LESTER WAS WORKING ON? IT'S DONE NOW. FEEL FREE TO SHARE WIDELY." The tweet includes Lester's project: images of…

The tweet reads "NOW THAT THEY'VE MADE EVERYONE LEAVE CAMPUS, MACALESTER IS FINALLY ON TRACK TO MEET THE ZERO WASTE BY 2020 GOAL." Lester, Macalester's unofficial student-operated mascot and "Professor of Puppet Studies," regularly tweets sardonic…
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